Christmas 2023 I decided I’d paint a portrait of my friends ponies as a surprise – in my mind I thought, if it doesn’t work out, it’ll be a bottle of wine!
I’d taken some photos of her ponies, and it was always a challenge getting a decent portrait of both of them looking good! So painting was the best solution for me!
Normally I paint using references from multiple sources, but ultimately the results are for me and not to please a customer nor do they need to look like the subject! 😂 So obviously this was a bit intimidating for me!
This is how the painting started…..

At this point I started to get giggles!!!

Then I grabbed some orange paint and whacked on his fringe, The tears were rolling down my face at his point !! I’d sent this photo to my husband as a progress report and was recording an audio message, and all he received were high pitched squeaks!
Because I was finding each stage comical, I just kept going! And eventually I started to recognise the ponies! Thank goodness 🙏

The results were so much better than what I expected, and every time I see this painting I can’t help but smile.

My friend was so happy with it by the way! Which made me feel even better…. 🫶